Monday, 3 March 2014

Magnesium oil for sleep and restless legs.

For the past 6 months or so I have been struggling with muscle aches ( probably due to my new job where I stand up for a large part of the day) and as time has gone on I am now getting restless legs at night, cramping in my lower back and trouble sleeping and staying asleep.

I visited a nutritionist a while back and was recommended magnesium as a supplement. I didn't really think about it after that, but I have since come across a few articles about the benefits of magnesium and apparently we are all deficient to a certain extent due to our modern diets.

I am not a fan of tablets as I never seem to really feel an effect and I don't like the bulking agents they use. Swallowing chalky tablets is also quite unpleasant, so I have been thinking about trying magnesium oil as a topical treatment. Apparently applying it to the skin is an extremely effective way of assimilating magnesium so I  thought I would give it a try. The one I bought was from HOlland and BArrett and a lough it costs around £13 it does contain approximately 800 sprays and the bottle says to use about 10 sprays a day- not bad value really.


I have to say that it has really helped me! I'm not sure if it placebo, but I am sleeping a lot better and my muscles don't ache as much- my feet also feet feel nice and warm after I have applied the oil!the only downside is that it really tingles and itches after application although this has lessened the more I have used the oil. Different people say different things- some say it will tingle the more deficient in magnesium you are and others say it is because my skin is particularly alkaline. Anyway it is not unbearable and the benefits far out way this tingling.

I have also seen some forums and websites that say magnesium can be used for the following-

Brushing teeth- I haven't used it for this but people report having whiter stronger teeth and healthier gums.

Shampooing- a couple of sprays in shampoo- I did this but didn't really notice much of a difference, maybe it is cumulative.

Soles of the feet for dry skin- apparently the dead skin peels off after a while of using the oil

Let me know if you have found magnesium useful... Xxx